8 MORE Deleted Scenes That Nearly Ruined Great Movies

4. Blood Tornado - Blade

The Incredible Hulk
New Line Cinema

It really is like Blade said: some people are always trying to ice skate uphill. In this case, the writers probably bit off more than the effects team could chew.

At the crescendo of the film's climatic battle, half-vampire Blade sees his nemesis Deacon Frost off in rather dramatic fashion: needled with anticoagulant serum EDTA that explodes when mixed with vampire blood. Throwing syringes like throwing stars; the killing blow comes when Blade roundhouse kicks one right into Frost’s forehead, causing him to inflate and go boom.

However, earlier in the film, La Magra (the vampire God Frost wishes to awaken) is described as a “hurricane” which was taken quite literally in an alternative ending sequence.

Instead of being a one-on-one showdown, Frost becomes a swirling mass of late 90s CGI. Frost's head and shoulders pop out of the blood tornado to say a few one-liners. Blade clings on for dear life, as does the suspension of disbelief from the viewer. Instead of an awesome kick to finish things off, our hero simply has to wait for the serum to fly into the swirling mass and do it's thing.

It's not that the event itself doesn’t fit, but Blade’s lower budget compared to today’s average superhero movie makes the effect look cheap and cheesy.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.