8 MORE Deleted Scenes That Nearly Ruined Great Movies

1. Peter Meets His Father - Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Incredible Hulk

The Amazing Spider-Man duology is the sore thumb in Spider-Man cinematic history. Already wounded but way too easy to hit again for all the big mistakes it made.

Many fans bemoaned Peter moving very quickly from the death of his girlfriend Gwen Stacey to back to normal everyday Spidey life by battling Rhino in the final scene of Amazing Spider-Man 2. But an alternative cut went all too far in another direction. At Gwen’s grave, Peter is approached by his once presumed dead Dad.

The revelation that Peter’s Father survived is a huge surprise that subverts typical Spider-Man fare but it leaves so many unanswered questions. Considering how the Amazing Spider-Man films were already trying really hard to lead up to a Sinister Six movie that never came, it was another case of prioritising escalation rather than serving the film you were watching.

We’re told in The Amazing Spider-Man that Peter’s parents died in a plane crash but in this scene Spidey’s Dad says he faked his own death to “protect” Peter. But what of his Mother? What happened to her? Was there a plane crash at all, or something more sinister? Some answers, please!

Whilst the scene itself is well shot and incredibly well performed by Andrew Garfield, yet again playing perhaps the most tortured Peter Parker on screen, it just… makes no sense.

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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.