8 More Movie Trailers That Blatantly Lied To You

6. Jennifer's Body

Megan Fox Jennifer's Body

What The Trailer Promised:

The trailer dresses the concept of the film to be a weird mix of sexy Megan Fox and genuine horror. A semi-demonic slasher type flick with a traumatised teenage victim and a cheesy young adult horror backdrop. Above all else, it looks dumb, in a bad way.

What We Got:

A film that’s dumb, in a good way. It’s a surprisingly bearable comedy/drama that celebrates the craziness of teen drama in a bombastic and proud way. The film exuberantly dishes into campy, over the top splatter fest inspired kill sequences. It’s a classic case of a trailer misrepresenting itself to appeal to as many demographics as possible.

Real horror buffs will have scoffed this one off from the moment they saw it, and a big part of the young adult audience the trailer should have captured will have given up the movie as too dark before it even got going.

The dialogue, character development and genuinely insightful exploration of teenage life side of the film is actually pretty great. It’s the angle the trailer should have shown, these are the same filmmakers that made Juno remember! (Also, however much they might have implied through the trailer, there’s no naked Megan Fox).


Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...