8 More Movies With Seriously Insane Details You Didn't Notice

2. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Used Real Squirrels

Warner Bros

The latest Charlie and The Chocolate Factory doesn't really hold a candle to its 1971 counterpart, using the magic of creepy Johnny Depp CGI in place of Gene Wilder’s actual chocolate wizard magic. The one place it did go a step further however, was employing actual, real, furry squirrels to do hard labour during the sorting scenes.

Yes, in a movie where computer effects run rampant, they decided the one place that needed true to life content was rodent manual labour. The team managed to get 40 incredibly cute tree children to sit on stools and sort the good nuts from the bad, taking 19 weeks in total for them to undergo their very important training program. Apparently, they originally tried to train 100, but squirrels really don’t have the drive for employment like you’d imagine.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.