8 More Movies With Seriously Insane Details You Didn't Notice

1. The Clothing In Coraline Was Made By Hand With Tiny, Tiny Needles

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Combining a sweet children’s film with creepy, eyeless monsters intent on stealing a girl away to another dimension, Coraline is peak levels of F*cked Up, but even with its disturbing dark side, it remains incredibly charming.

A stop motion movie will always prioritise detail over everything, and Coraline is no different. From sticking tiny buttons into eye sockets to crafting the eerily cute models themselves, the production crew did everything, going as far as hand stitching every single piece of tiny doll clothing with needles as thin as human hair, in some insane rendition of Barbie Project Runway.

Althea Crome painstakingly hand crafted everything from tiny jumpers to tiny undergarments, sizing up not much larger than a five pence piece. Can't have the models catching a chill with no socks on now, can we?

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