8 Movie Characters That Hollywood Has F*cked Up Twice

6. Bane - Batman & Robin/The Dark Knight Rises

The Character: Bane, one of Batman's scariest enemies, has found himself to be ill-served a couple of times on film - though at totally opposite ends of the spectrum. Whilst the character, a muscle-bound thug with super strength and a brilliant mind, launched to fame on account of his appearance in the third and final Christopher Nolan Batman movie, it's safe to say that Bane currently has a rather muddled and somewhat laughable reputation. The First Time: Actor Robert Swenson was cast as Bane in 1997's Batman & Robin, a movie so bad that you could use it to convince somebody to cancel the medium of cinema forever. Swenson's entire face stays hidden beneath a mask for pretty much the entire movie, which renders Bane as a big, lumbering idiot - kind of like the Cave Troll from The Lord of the Rings. This portrayal did justice to the great character in zero ways. The Second Time: You'd think that Tom Hardy and Christopher Nolan might have come up with something truly inspired when it came time for their Bane to make his mark in The Dark Knight Rises, and yet Hardy's take on the character has to be one of the most bizarre acting turns ever committed to celluloid. Hardy relies mostly on his voice for this role, and what a voice; the truly bizarre noises that emit from Bane's mouth inspired countless parodies. At the time, nobody knew what to think. In retrospect, the whole thing is nuts.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.