8 Movie Mistakes They WANTED You To Notice

7. Mel Brooks Thought Marty Feldmen's Inconsistent Hump Was Too Funny To Remove - Young Frankenstein

Timothy Dalton Hot Fuzz
Twentieth Century Fox

In another case of a piece of inconsistent continuity being ultimately left on-screen very much on purpose, the cheeky soul known as Marty Feldmen thought it would be hilarious to move his Igor hump around between takes when shooting Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein.

This actually went on for days before the cast and crew clocked his sneaky hump shenanigans. And when Brooks did finally catch on to what his hilarious actor had been up to during the early stages of filming, the director thought it was so damn funny that he actually incorporated it into the script.

From there, Feldmen's ever-changing hump became one of the film's most memorable running jokes, with Igor routinely not having the slightest clue what Dr. Frederick Frankenstein was referring to whenever he tapped his physical abnormality.

It may not have been a part of Brooks' original plan for his memorable servant. But the second he caught Feldmen in the act, Mel knew that he'd be a fool not to draw attention to the actor's intentional, mischievous and highly irregular hump movements.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...