8 Movie Mistakes They WANTED You To Notice

6. Martin Scorsese Wanted You To Notice An Edge-Fog Accident - The Last Temptation Of Christ

Timothy Dalton Hot Fuzz

Had the mistake that ultimately made its presence felt during the crucifixion scene in Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ popped up at any other stage in the flick, or any of the other projects the iconic filmmaker has brought to life over the years, there's a good chance it never would've seen the light of day.

The c*ck-up in question involved the assistant camera man accidentally opening the magazine after Scorsese had captured his favourite take of Willem Dafoe on the cross. And said unfortunate mistake inevitably led to edge-fog being present in the director's precious take. But rather than scrap the tainted shot, Marty soon realised that the blunder had actually helped enhance his baby.

As Scorsese himself put it, "The edge-fog became the resurrection."

So, while it may appear as though this haunting effect was deliberately conjured up by the masterful moviemaker when crafting the crucifixion sequence in his mind, it turns out that Scorsese was actually adapting to a simple human error - and soon transformed a poor assistant camera man's worst nightmare into a moment of "cinema" he very much wanted you to notice.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...