8 Movie Mistakes They WANTED You To Notice

5. Adam McKay "Commemorates The Strange Filming Experience" - Don't Look Up

Timothy Dalton Hot Fuzz

Movie fans never miss a damn thing, folks. And that was never more clear than during a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment during Adam McKay's Netflix end of the world comedy Don't Look Up.

After the flick was released towards the end of 2021, within a few days, one eagle-eyed watcher managed to spot a brief moment about 90 minutes into the flick which seemed to contain an editing error that left the film's crew being very much visible during a shot.

However, according to McKay himself, this moment that "accidentally" showed off his talented crew amidst the bottle-breaking and blazing bin chaos was left in on purpose.

The director would ultimately confess that this was done in order to "commemorate the strange filming experience" after congratulating the fan who noticed the "blip" for having a "good eye!"

Trying to bring this star-studded Netflix epic into existence in the thick of the pandemic must've definitely been a surreal time for all involved. So, what better way to immortalise the strange scenario than by dumping a quick shot of the fully masked crew in the middle of the action, eh?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...