8 Movie Mistakes They WANTED You To Notice

1. Timothy Dalton's Fourth Wall Break Is Given A Sound Effect - Hot Fuzz

Timothy Dalton Hot Fuzz
Universal Pictures

Sticking with mistakes so damn hilarious that directors only saw it fit to reward them with a quirky sound effect in post, Edgar Wright's Hot Fuzz also contains an easily missable accident that the director absolutely adored from the get-go.

When Wright initially caught the moment Timothy Dalton's Simon Skinner unintentionally looked right down the camera for a brief second during a scene involving Simon Pegg's Nicholas Angel, his first thought was to digitally erase the mistake in the editing room.

However, the Cornetto Trilogy mastermind simply could not resist slapping a cash register sound over the top of it in the end, feeling it was too bloody funny to ignore. And while Wright would openly admit that the former 007 would hate him for bringing more attention to the mistake, that still didn't stop him putting a spotlight on the beat in the film's DVD commentary.

Pegg would even suggest that this swift fourth-wall break could be interpreted as him being complicit with the audience.

Whatever way you look at it, though, once you spot Dalton's sudden glance down the barrel, it's very hard to unsee it. And that's exactly how that cheeky Wright wanted it.

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