8 Movie Monsters Ruined by Recent Films (And The Films That Could Save Them)

2. Aliens - Battle: LA, Cowboys and Aliens, Battleship

battleship aliend Gone are the days where Aliens are hulking, terrifying creatures that bled acid and ripped your face off with their tongues and used your innards as an incubator. Gone are the days they hunted you on infrared from the treetops and collected your skulls. Gone, even, are the days where they invaded and actually truly posed a threat to the world. No, aliens have been subject to trivialisation by moviemakers trying to create a family-friendly action film. Battle: LA was as mundane as it was dire, Cowboys and Aliens needs to further introduction and Battleship somehow managed to have less intelligence than its source material. Oh, and when they are the acid bleeding, skull taking aliens, the film is so dark and flashy you can€™t see enough to be scared, even if there was anything present to cause fear (which there really wasn€™t). Who Can Save It? prometheus-review While there were mixed reviews and an abundant lack of Alien, Prometheus was a sure fire sequel set up, and if its final scenes are anything to go by, we can expect some sort of Alien revival. Every Sci-Fi fan gave a collective ;€™Meh€™ to Prometheus, but at least the future looks promising not only for the franchise but for the Martians of the big screen.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.