8 Movie Plot Details That Are Insanely Easy To Miss

4. The Thing - Windows Dropped The Keys

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John Carpenter has called The Thing his best horror movie; a statement that's hard to argue with. It’s a taut thriller with an awesome cast and one of the best movie monsters ever. He’s often said the yearlong prep time he had helped enormously and allowed him to seed subtle clues into the narrative.

The story intentionally keeps some things vague (what happened to Fuchs, when was Blair infected), but if you pay attention one mysterious question is answered. At one stage the alien intruder somehow steals the security keys and destroys the blood test, which of course fuels more paranoia amongst the group. Since only the station guard is supposed to have the keys all signs point to him, but he turns out to innocent.

So how were the keys stolen? Well, earlier in the story Windows borrowed them, and when he saw another character being attacked he fled in panic, and the sound effect of keys being dropped is heard. In the following excitement, the intruder took them, destroyed the blood supply and quietly returned them before anyone noticed.

It's an easy detail to miss, but it's there.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.