8 Movie Plot Details That Are Insanely Easy To Miss

3. The Usual Suspect - Verbal Accidentally Confesses

Two Face The Dark Knight Car
Spelling Films International/Gramercy Pictures/PolyGram Filmed Entertainment

The Usual Suspects practically begs to seen multiple times, with each screening viewing rewarding the viewer with more clues and background details. There are numerous hints about Verbal’s real identity throughout, like not being able to use his “crippled” hand to hold a lighter during his interrogation, despite being able to use it to fire a gun during the flashbacks.

Also, when Soze urinates on the trail of fire in the opening the stream is unusually thick and lumpy, which Verbal claims happens to him when he gets dehydrated. The most blatant clue, however, is when he flat-out admits to Agent Kujan he killed Keaton during a heated argument.

He accidently blurts out “I did kill Keaton”, but since Kujan is yelling neither he – nor the audience – catches his confession. Verbal quickly corrects himself and instead claims he saw Keaton get shot, and the interrogation continues as normal. Should have paid more attention there, Agent Kujan.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.