8 Movie Plot Details That Are Insanely Easy To Miss

1. Memento - The Leonard Flash

Two Face The Dark Knight Car
Summit Entertainment

That Christopher Nolan is a sneaky git, who often manages to seed details into his movies that audiences only notice on subsequent viewings. The big twist of The Prestige is hinted at multiple times in the opening (the hats on the ground, the identical birds in the cage), and there’s the joke about “two-faced” friends in Batman Begins, hinting towards the character’s appearance in the next movie.

Memento was only his second film, but he had already perfected his twisty storytelling style. Strewn throughout the film are various scenes of Leonard talking about Sammy Jenkins, a man who suffered an accident that meant he couldn’t form new memories. In the end (well, technically the beginning) we learn Leonard has confused Sammy’s tragic story with his own, and that he was the one who accidently gave his wife an insulin overdose.

The movie briefly gives this twist away during one flashback, where we see a shot of Sammy that morphs into Leonard before quickly cutting away, which reveals just how jumbled his memory has become.

Can you think of any other movies that hid major plot clues in plain sight? Share them in the comments below.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.