8 Movie Plot Details That Are Insanely Easy To Miss

2. The Dark Knight - How Did Two-Face Get In The Car?

Two Face The Dark Knight Car
Warner Bros.

Throughout The Dark Knight both Batman and The Joker have a habit of appearing and disappearing at will, which makes sense since they mirror each other's methods. When Harvey Dent turns into Two-Face he also seems to have acquired this skill, especially when he suddenly appears in the back of Sal Maroni’s car.

It turns out this appearance isn’t magical at all, because if you pay very close attention you can see how he does it. At the beginning of the scene one of Sal’s henchmen is approaching the car, and when Sal is walking around the other side Harvey quickly pulls this goon out of frame before anyone notices and takes his place in the backseat.

It's real blink and you’ll miss it stuff, but it’s a neat easter egg for the eagle-eyed viewer.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.