8 Movie Plot Holes You Didn't Realise The Movie Actually Solved

3. "The Time Travel Makes No Sense"- Looper

Looper Joe Joseph Gordon Levitt
TriStar Pictures/FilmDistrict

The "Plot Hole": Looper's time travel logic has numerous "inconsistencies" that people like to throw around, especially in terms of the cause-and-effect nature of altering the past and its impact on the future.

For instance, Young Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) carves the name "Beatrix" into his arm which instantly shows up as a scar on Old Joe (Bruce Willis), but wouldn't this potentially derail Joe's relationship with his wife? After all, any half-sensible woman would probably run a mile from a man who has the name of another woman scarred into his arm, right?

Why It Actually Isn't: For starters, movies involving time travel are inherently messy, and if you're going to meet them on their own terms, you need to accept that. The smarter ones at least tend to embrace their slippery logic rather than try to rectify it.

Looper is no exception, and during the diner meeting scene, Old Joe explains that changing the past makes memories cloudy, which is effectively writer-director Rian Johnson saying to the audience, "don't overthink the details". He is well aware that everything doesn't neatly coalesce, but the bigger picture is what's important.

If you really do crave a more concrete answer, have you ever considered that, with the past changed, the scar could be the very reason why his wife falls in love with him in the first place?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.