8 Movie Posters That Shamelessly Tried To Rip-off Batman

2. The Amazing Spider-Man

This one is probably the least immediately obvious copy-cat poster, but it's clear the reference points have come from Nolan's films as well as the posters used to promote them. We have the same sort of cloud formation - since heavy-looking skies are clearly a blatant metaphor for inner turmoil - as well as the same commitment to making the superhero's logo font and centre. In the wake of Nolan's films' successes, the superhero market fundamentally changed, and this brand of grittier poster, with epic scale suggested by composition and the ominous looming threat of something unseen telling the story of the poster. Even if it doesn't look quite as much like a Dark Knight or Dark Knight Rises poster as some of the others, the Nolan-esque markers are there, especially when you consider it in conjunction with the darker, more brooding logo poster below...


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