8 Movie Retcons That Were Made Solely To Please The Fans

4. The Immortals Aren't Aliens After All - Highlander III: The Sorcerer

Highlander 3
Dimension Films

When it comes to retconning or messing up continuity the Highlander franchise really takes the biscuit. The sequels tend to ignore each other, and they all ignore the very conclusive ending of the original.

Highlander ended with Connor MacLeod defeating the last immortal, winning The Prize and being granted a mortal life but with the gift of infinite knowledge; which left little wiggle room for a sequel. Part two got around this by explaining the immortals were actually exiled aliens from the Planet Zeist, and an old enemy comes back to get MacLeod on earth; it's even dumber than it sounds.

Understandably, fans of the original were calling shenanigans on that nonsense. So part three onwards returns things to the status quo, with no mention of alien planets or any mention of the events of The Quickening. MacLeod even dies in part four, which makes the events of part two impossible.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.