8 Movie Retcons That Were Made Solely To Please The Fans

1. X-Men Origins Never Happened - Deadpool

20th Century Fox

For a movie that was really successful theres not much affection for X-Men Origins: Wolverine, being that its a massive piece of !*$% and all. Its many sins have been acknowledged elsewhere, but the way it messed up Deadpool has to be one of the big ones.

They sewed his mouth shut, gave his sword arms and a random selection of mutant powers, and Deadpool fans the world over wept into their chimichangas. Since the X-Men series has quietly buried Origins in an unmarked grave it made sense for the Deadpool movie to do the same, so the character is given a completely different backstory.

So there's no mention of Wolverine, Stryker, Team X and absolutely no swords arms. Of course, Deadpool couldnt resist a couple of digs at Origins expense, and the characters redemption is now complete, given that hes starred in the highest grossing X-Men movie to date.

Can you think of any other franchise retcons that were made just to please the fans? Share them in the comments below.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.