8 Movie Series So Out Of Order They Had Us Totally Confused

6. Superman

superman Now Zack Snyder€™s Man Of Steel€™s burst on the scene to box office success and some fair critical praise, memories of the original Richard Donner film and everything that came from that are being lost quicker than Krypton€™s atmosphere. When you consider this a series that includes the beyond laughable The Quest For Peace, it€™s hard to find it a shame, but more importantly, it saves audiences from a deceptively hidden convoluted chronology. When Bryan Singer jumped from the X-Men ship to make Superman Returns, he brought with him a love of the Donner films (but not the two lesser ones that came after), making the series€™ naughties reboot simultaneously a sequel that overrode the latter two entries. Plot wise. Returns is a sequel to Superman II, picking up from the Man of Steel€™s trip to the destroyed Krypton, but stylistically it's a world apart, with a totally different Lex Luthor and time jump of about twenty years. This issue is complicated when Returns goes back to Clark€™s early days with the Kents, adding remaking the original to the mix. The film was a big hit with critics, but failed with the fans, likely because of this; even if you loved Superman, it was difficult to get your head around what this remake-reboot-homage-sequel actually was.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.