8 Movie Series So Out Of Order They Had Us Totally Confused

5. Alien

avp The Alien series has certainly had some rather perplexing plot developments over the years. I€™ll leave the ill fated Alien 3 alone as that fruit is hanging way too low, but there€™s no way of avoiding the double whammy of cloning and mutation Resurrection brought to the table. That€™s really all par for the course for a series of ever decreasing quality, but what came after not only confused everyone, but made no logical sense. And no, we€™re not talking about Prometheus. To call the Alien vs. Predator films a disappointment implies expectations were high for them in the first place, but it€™s fair to say even the most naive fan was shocked at how poor they turned out. The first gives us the earliest look at the Xenomorphs, reduced from the perfect hunter to the game of the now much superior Predators. On top of that, there€™s the befuddling casting of Lance Henriksen as the original Weyland, a character he'd already played in a film set over 200 years later and the introduction of his future partner Yutani in the sequel. It's confusing where these films are meant to fit in the series. To appreciate the monsters, you need to have seen the previous four Aliens and two Predators, but if you have then it's painfulyl obvious they don't make any sense.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.