8 Movies That Everyone Turned Against On A Second Viewing
6. Crash
Who'd have thought that Crash's reputation would come... well, crashing down as a result of it winning an Oscar for Best Picture? Had it lost out on being named the best movie of its year by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, it simply would not be thought of primarily today as one of the most ill-judged winners in Oscar history - instead, it'd be just another movie. Alas, it was doomed the moment it picked up the prize, as movie-goers everywhere - many of whom had admittedly liked Crash first time round - came to wonder what the hell had happened. It wasn't that Crash was bad or anything, but Best Picture? Come on. If the first time you sat down to Crash happened to take place before it won that notorious Oscar, then, you presumably emerged thinking: "Not bad - a little heavy-handed and certainly Oscar-baiting, but a solid movie, nonetheless." And aside from those criticisms, that's probably a fair enough way to look at Crash in retrospect. When it won, though, everyone who had seen the movie already went back for a further evaluation, as if to say, "Are you sure you got that right? Did I miss something?", and subsequently went on to pick apart Paul Haggis' well-intentioned picture about urban decay and race relations in Los Angeles until there was nothing left.