8 Movies That Don't Deserve The Hate

2. Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes

Planet of the Apes Now I have a confession to make. I am not a big fan of the original series. Although they were innovative and unique for its time and the twist was definitely unexpected I feel that the actual execution in terms of film making could have been handled a hell of a lot better than what was the final product. And I am forced to admit another dirty little secret of mine. Well, not really a secret but it's the first time I have had a chance to announce on a worldwide platform, so here goes. Charlton Heston CAN'T ACT. There I said it. I honestly believe that Charlton Heston (alongside John Wayne) was and still is the most OVERRATED "ACTOR" in the HISTORY of Hollywood. I mean come on, are you serious bro? This guy is so bad it doesn't even constitute as hammy, I would class it as "Spammy!" That filthy ham substitute that should only be consumed if you have survived a nuclear apocalypse (ironic considering the film in discussion) and this was only highlighted when put next to someone of actual acting calibre like Roddy McDowell. Every piece of dialogue spoken by Heston is so forced and so over the top in its delivery that for me at least, comes off as completely unbelievable and feels like a grade school production. How can anyone watch the end of this film (or most of his filmography for that matter) and still take him seriously? There is a reason it has been parodied so many times. I have seen better acting in a Friedberg/Seltzer production. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPfcim_p38w Tim Burton's adaptation in my opinion is one of the better films in the second half of his filmography to date. And quite courageous on his part too considering that this is one of the only movies he has directed that doesn't rely on his signature "gothic" look to fall back on. He stepped out of his comfort zone for once in his life and everyone seemed to give him crap about it. Yet the main complaint I here about the man lately is that he does the same thing over and over again. Well, considering the hate people spewed at him after this underrated first outing out of his box I am not surprised he went straight back to doing just that. And the performance by Tim Roth is outstanding. The other actors did their job amicably but this guy put on a freakin' Oscar Winning Performance as General Thade. Considering "Moulin Rouge" was nominated for EIGHT Academy Awards that year but this guy couldn't get a nod is just one of many reasons why I feel the Oscars are no longer relevant and has simply become an avenue for Hollywood to pat themselves on the back (2008 and 2010 were prime examples). Musicals should NEVER be nominated for a best picture or actor award but that is another topic I may discuss at another time. And the ending was AWESOME. That twist totally blew my mind when I saw it. What is ironic is that this ending is actually based on the source material and there was meant to be a similiar ending to the original 1968 version, but it was rewritten due to budgetary concerns. Now how is THAT for a twist?
Although I loved "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," I want the bloody sequel to this.

Passions in life: Movies, Music and Wrestling....My childhood was spent growing up in the "Outback" of Australia (I'm a little bit country) and my adulthood resided within the city limits (I'm a little bit rock and roll), so you could say that I am the best (or worst) of both worlds. A 6 foot 7 ex wannabe pro wrestler (whose career was cut short due to a busted back, NOT caused by wrestling) & muso who has a precocious cat & a habit of doing the wrong thing but for the right reasons. The story of my life???? All demos, no albums ;)