8 Movies That Sacrificed Their Integrity By Pandering To The Masses

7. I Am Legend (2007)

i am legendSacrificed Its Integrity By... Missing The Point Of The Story Entirely I Am Legend is the movie they decided to make from Richard Matheson's insanely superior novel, though it's not a complete hack-job, given that there are some good bits, and is- for the most part - entertaining. Though there are shoddy special effects and some questionable scenes, the worst thing about this telling of the story is that it doesn't actually attempt to approach the entire point of the novel from what it was based. I don't know why. So here's an example of movie that has no faith in its audience: instead of sticking with the material in the book, which isn't even that complicated (though it's great, don't get me wrong), the writers skip over it for a more generic man vs. vampire creatures movie. But the point of I Am Legend is that Robert Neville has become to vampires what vampires once were to humans. Why is Hollywood so afraid to incorporate that concept? Richard Matheson always wondered, too.

All-round pop culture obsessive.