8 Movies You Didn't Know Were Secretly Directed By Other People

5. The Thing From Another World (1951)

Thing From Another WorldDirected By... Christian Nyby Secretly Directed By... Howard Hawks Although John Carpenter's version of The Thing, based on a story originally written by John W. Campbell, is arguably the most famous version nowadays, but Carpenter's flick was essentially a bloodied-up remake of the movie called The Thing From Another World, as credited to a guy named Christian Nyby, known mostly for his TV work. This marked the first time Nyby had directed a feature film - some think he didn't direct it at all. That's right: The Thing From Another World is heavily rumoured to have been helmed by the one and only Howard Hawks, although he's only credited as being a producer. So what's the deal here, you ask? Well, although Nyby certainly had a hand in the direction, much of the cast came forward to explain how Hawks was the one working most the magic behind the camera. It does feel like a Hawks movie, and you'll find that it's credited to both of them on some DVD releases.

All-round pop culture obsessive.