8 Movies You Didn't Know Were Secretly Directed By Other People

4. Tango & Cash (1989)

Tango and CashDirected By... Andrei Konchalovsky Secretly Directed By... Albert Magnoli Russian director Andrei Konchalovsky is probably somebody that you've never even heard of, and I don't blame you for that: I hadn't heard of him either until it came around to researching this article. He's probably best known, though, as a former friend and collaborator of one Andrei Tarkovsky. He also directed the very un-Tarkovsky-esque Tango & Cash, which starred Kurt Russell and Sylvester Stallone as the dynamic duo. Apparently. He's credited with being the director, although he wasn't around for the entire movie, given that he got fired admist the endless production-related problems that occurred under his wing. Rather interestingly, future Men In Black director Barry Sonnenfeld (who was cinematographer here) was also sent home when Konchalovsky was, on Stallone's request. Albert Magnoli was hired to finish the job, though received no credit.

All-round pop culture obsessive.