8. Professor X's Apparent Revival
The Wolverine is effectively a standalone film, given that barring the title character; it only features one character from the rest of franchise Famke Janssens Jean Grey, who appears in a number of dream sequences. This is at least until the mid-credits scene, which is set two years after the films conclusion. It sees Hugh Jackmans title character arrive at an American airport only to be confronted by Ian McKellens Magneto, who Wolverine is wary of trusting until his onetime adversary reveals the presence of Patrick Stewarts Charles Xavier (Professor X). The scene makes for an excellent teaser, though it makes little sense continuity-wise given that the events of X-Men: The Last Stand resulted in the removal of Magnetos powers and Charles apparent death, though it is hinted that his consciousness was able to continue living in the body of another (though not his own) by that films post-credits scene The reversal of such significant developments will presumably occur during X-Men: Days of Futures Past, though using time travel to negate the happening of two such major events from the third film will be a tad extreme (not to mention convenient).