8 Post-Credits Scenes Marvel Didn’t Have The Balls To Shoot

6. Hank Pym Crashes Into Iron Man's World

Ant-Man appeared at the end of Phase Two, seemingly tagged on at the end of it, tucked away just a couple of months after Age of Ultron almost like an afterthought. There wasn€™t a huge amount of build-up to it, and most of what people had heard stemmed from the negativity and mystery surrounding Edgar Wright€™s departure from his passion project.

The movie actually turned out to be really good, and ties into the Avengers, so it would€™ve been nice had they introduced the idea of Ant-Man before the film was released. Not necessarily with Scott Lang, as he becomes the hero during the movie, but a Hank Pym scene definitely would€™ve fit.

This could€™ve been after Age of Ultron, or even Iron Man 3, and had a scene similar to the one we witness at the beginning of Ant-Man, of Howard Stark and Pym (we wouldn€™t even need to see him, just hear the name) discussing the particle technology. We knew the movie was coming, but they could€™ve added a little something to get people more excited for it, and show it does link to the MCU, especially given how risky a proposition it was.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.