6. The Apartment Assault Is A Lesson In Tension
What is it with the nerve shredding, Triple 9!? As if sitting on the edge of your seat for two heist scenes wasn't enough, Triple 9 gifts us with an incredibly well drawn out apartment assault in Atlanta's gang-ridden district. Having been introduced to Casey Affleck's newcomer cop Chris Allen (the one clean, virtuous speck in these murky waters) he is given the lead of the operation and a riot shield. Surrounded by gang bangers with itchy trigger fingers and hatred of the law, what follows is a lengthy, intense sequence as we shadow the team as they ascend the building. Frankly, it is a master class in tension and direction as we await the inevitable gun shots and wonder in anticipation as to whether they will hit the shield or flesh. Watching Affleck peer behind his shield, gun pointed we are put right there behind him, and because of the random bouts of violence preceding it, we genuinely have no idea who is safe and who will get put down. Shadows twitch in the light as danger lurks around every corner and in every room. Just remember to breathe.