8 Reasons Triple 9 Could Be The Most Underrated Film Of 2016

5. It's Proud To Be Pulp

Pulp Pulp writing is defined as being trashy, clichéd and over the top. Triple 9 is all these things and more, and it is wonderful. The film is over the top, ridiculous and has so many double crosses and crazy plot threads that it should all just unravel, but thankfully it holds firm. The reasons for this are two fold, one is that the acting is of an extremely high standard, and two, the film is fully aware of it's own batsh*t craziness. There is a wry sense of humour and self-awareness running throughout, and the performances along with the top notch direction disguise the clichés and absurdity and manage to make them believable. Triple 9 is an old school 70's crime thriller, and one which demonstrates perfectly why the old school style is considered such a classic. It is more than likely the reason the reviews have not been so favourable, but really the pulpy-ness has just been misunderstood.

Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.