8 Reasons Why Fans Should Be Worried About Spider-Man Joining The MCU

7. His Solo Movie Could Still Be Terrible

There was a lot of interesting terminology used in both the press release announcing this news and in subsequent reports from the likes of The Hollywood Reporter and Variety. Based on what they're saying, it's Sony who are looking to cast the movie right now, and also them searching for a writer and director. If anything, Marvel sound more like consultants, with Kevin Feige steering them in the right direction. Basically, Sony has creative control. That's worrying for a number of reasons. After all, it was them who thought that a mess like The Amazing Spider-Man 2 would gross over $1 billion, so what's to stop them making the same mistakes again? Kevin Feige with any luck, but the solo Spider-Man film ultimately isn't his or Marvel's problem. With Guardians Of The Galaxy earning close to $800 million last year, they've shown that they can make a hit out of anything with or without Spidey. As happy as you have to imagine they will be to add Spider-Man to a movie like Avengers: Infinity War, that's pretty much a guaranteed hit anyway, so throwing him into the mix isn't going to add another $500 million to the box office takings. If fans are fortunate, Sony will consult with Marvel closely when it comes to the script and various other creative aspects (especially in terms of casting) as not doing so could spell trouble for them. Hopefully the deal is a little more iron clad and structured than it sounded in the press release anyway.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.