8 Reasons Why Fans Should Be Worried About Spider-Man Joining The MCU

6. Sony Still Want To Make Those Spin-Offs

This is very concerning. Alhough The Sinister Six has been indefinitely delayed from its original 2016 release date, Sony are said to be still hoping to make both this movie and Alex Kurtzman's Venom. Spider-Man: Sinister Six would obviously be nothing short of epic, but one focusing solely on his villains has all the makings of a bad movie (its just unnecessary and nonsensical). Also, how are they going to make it work after the build up in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has now been rendered null and void by plans for another reboot? Those of you thinking it will all be ok because of Spidey's newfound role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe may also want to think again as one reliable source reported that Kevin Feige has zero involvement with the spin-offs. Hopefully Sony will see sense and bring him in to make them work, because a Venom movie from the man who co-wrote The Amazing Spider-Man 2 doesn't exactly inspire a lot of faith in that long rumoured release either. Then there's the female led spin-off which there have been a lot of rumours about (including the fact that a young Aunt May could be the lead). With any luck, this deal will have put them all on the back burner, and they will all be reconfigured to fit into Spider-Man's corner of the MCU. If not, there's a risk that fans will once again lose interest in the franchise regardless of Marvel's involvement due to it becoming too watered down with subpar spin-offs.

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