8 Reasons Why Fans Should Be Worried About Spider-Man Joining The MCU

5. Amy Pascal Is Involved

Before a few months ago, many casual moviegoers had no idea who Amy Pascal was. The "Sony Hack" changed all of that, and the Sony Pictures boss would end up under the magnifying glass for doing everything from insulting President Obama to bickering over any number of projects. Her comments about the Spider-Man franchise were of particular interest to fanboys though, and none of them showed any real sort of great understanding. Part of her deal with Sony to stand down following the scandal included a cushy producing gig on the Spider-Man franchise, and it was apparently Pascal who secured the deal with Marvel before being "fired" (sort of anyway), ensuring her future financially if nothing else. Is she the right woman for the job? Her poorly written emails showed that her understanding of the character is minimal, and having held a position of power for such a long time, there's every chance Pascal could butt heads with Feige when he starts trying to steer Spider-Man in the right direction. It's hard to say right now, but if it comes down to choosing between Amy Pascal and Avi Arad/Matt Tolmach, she's the lesser of two evils.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.