8 Reasons Why Fans Should Be Worried About Spider-Man Joining The MCU

3. Marvel Doesn't Have Final Say

There's obviously a big difference between buying a house and renting one, and in Marvel's case, Spider-Man is a character they're borrowing. No money has exchanged hands and neither studio will contribute to budgets or receive a cut of the box office according to well informed insiders with knowledge of the deal. Marvel are obviously expecting their movies that Spidey appears in to get a boost, while they will also benefit massively because they hold the merchandising rights to the character and this will increase their worth. Sony on the other hand are desperate to turn Spider-Man into the box office king he used to be after The Amazing Spider-Man 2 disappointed and enlisting the help of Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige and making Peter Parker an Avenger is going to play a massive part in that. "Sony Pictures will continue to finance, distribute, own and have final creative control of the Spider-Man films." That's what the press release specifically states, and it's something fans should be very worried about. The fact that they have final creative control means Sony may end up ignoring Marvel and make the decisions which once again run this franchise into the ground, something they've arguably been doing since Spider-Man 3 was released. Sony don't learn from their mistakes, and while the rest of the press release said all of the right things ("This is the right decision for the franchise, for our business, for Marvel, and for the fans..."), whether they'll do the right thing is another matter altogether. Marvel are the ones who have made movies a hit featuring the unlikeliest characters, so it would be a lot more reassuring to everyone if it was them who had the power to control Spider-Man's fate.

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