8 Reasons Why Fans Should Be Worried About Spider-Man Joining The MCU

2. He's Going Back To High School

This is disappointing, but also at least somewhat understandable. Peter Parker being in his mid-twenties wouldn't make a lot of sense in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as expecting the audience to believe that he didn't appear before now "just cause" is asking too much of them. It raises all sorts of questions like where he was during the battle of New York and why literally no one has ever mentioned Spider-Man before Captain America: Civil War. So, having him be a teenager who has been operating under the radar as Spider-Man for just a few months (maybe a year depending on how long Civil War takes place after Avengers: Age Of Ultron) is the way to go. Even so, it's a shame that Marvel and Sony are going to be retreading old ground as fans still haven't seen a grown up Peter Parker. Had circumstances been a little different, it would have been great for this new Spider-Man to be a scientist or high school teacher, and the thought of dealing with teen drama in the reboot isn't exactly all that thrilling. On the other hand, it does help to make Peter more of an outsider, this opportunity should be taken to properly explore supporting characters like Flash Thompson and Liz Allen. If they get that right, maybe this won't be that worrying.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.