8 Reasons You've Been Wrong About Scarface Your Whole Life

7. Creepy Melodramatic Sister Obsession

Because what every movie needs is creepy sister-obsession. It's one thing for brothers to feel naturally protective of younger sisters, defending their honor and all that old school stuff. However, Tony's fly-off-the-handle violent nature towards Gina's promiscuity is clearly meant to hint at more in the story. This subplot in Scarface is the absurd frosting on an already ludicrous cake. When Tony discovers his sister and his best friend in nothing but robes he instantly kills the best friend. The coke-fiend immediately regrets his actions seconds later when his sister informs him they were married the day before. Has anyone out there got Oliver Stone on speed dial to ask if this was in the original script? Tony's best friend Manny, after being threatened by Tony to never lay a hand on Gina, marries her behind his back. Doesn't seem like the wisest decision on either Manny or Gina's part. Actually it bears more of a resemblance to a conveniently melodramatic plot twist. Hyped up on more cocaine, his enemies storming the villa, Tony is approached by a near naked Gina, who between taking shots at him with a gun asks him if this (meaning her romantically) is what he wants. She then does something so typically, Brian De Palma-fashion (look to entry no.3). A brush up on my familiarity with the genre might be in order, but last I checked there's nothing gangster about incest.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation