8 Reasons You've Been Wrong About Scarface Your Whole Life

6. The "What Girls Like" Pool Scene

The scene where Tony and Manny sit at the poolside ogling bikini-clad Miami girls and discussing techniques for picking them up is mind blowing. It is the absolute antithesis of what good filmmaking should be. It begins with a shot of them eating lunch. A girl walks by in a swimsuit you could only get away with in Miami, and Manny imparts with his friend the best way for picking her up would be to walk right up to the girl and make a crude gesture. Tony blows him off thinking the idea is disgusting, so Many tries it out, gets slapped, and calls the girl a lesbian while he and Tony walk away. Nothing too crazy going on here to deserve the harsh label of 'filmmaking antithesis' right? Except in there lies the problem. Nothing is going on in this scene in general, at all. It adds nothing to the story or characters, which we haven't already seen and is honestly, just ridiculous. The only way this scene is redeemable is if Scarface was meant to be a comedy and the situation presented meant to make us laugh (see entry no.4). However, that's not the vibe presented at all. Instead this is about two dudes hanging out and talking crudely about women for no reason, which would be murdered by critics and audience alike if done in any other movie.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation