8 Reasons You've Been Wrong About Scarface Your Whole Life

1. Pacino's Accent

Everyone has a weakness. No matter how much time you dedicate to perfecting a craft, becoming an affluent business mogul, or learning how to stomp your friends in your favorite Xbox game, there will always be one thing you don't do well. For Al Pacino, one of the greatest actors of all time, his one thing is accents. It's okay he's still great, but the man cannot imitate foreign nationalities well without managing to sound completely ludicrous to people of that nationality. Ever tried watching Scarface with someone who is Cuban or from any South American Country or Puerto Rico? You may have found the experience a little annoying when every five minutes your fellow movie watcher kept laughing in the face of the 'great' Tony Montana because they couldn't help themselves. His Cuban accent is hilariously awful. If you want to keep taking Scarface seriously like everyone else here's a piece of advice: avoid making too many Hispanic friends. Once you realise how silly Scarface sounds to Spanish speakers it won't be long before the cartoon amounts of violence, drug-usage, and over-the-top dialogue will begin making you think the movie is an unrealised black comedy. Sincere apologies to Pacino, but listening to him try to sound Cuban, to an actual Cuban, is like listening to Tommy Wiseau try to sound American in The Room. Yes, that ridiculous.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation