8 Ridiculously Awesome Movie Crossovers (That Could Actually Happen)

7. The Dark Knight Trilogy And The DC Cinematic Universe

It's a long understood rule of cinema that the awesomeness of a scene is directly proportional to the amount of Batman in it, but outside of the kinda cool concept of seeing two Batmen on screen, this idea initially seems like fan-baiting claptrap. After all, isn't Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne a total reboot of Christian Bale's? Well, yes, but what's the narrative trope that DC comics have repeatedly fallen back on? Alternate universes - their entire output since the Silver Age has been built on there being numerous versions of the same character out there. And, in a blockbuster landscape dominated by countless superhero franchises, embracing what made you work in print is most certainly the future. Marvel has already started this, pushing their more out-there comic elements (high space fantasy), and their emergent cinema rivals would be smart to do the same with the Crisis events. The way The Dark Knight Trilogy ended certainly leaves the world open for further exploration and, with a KnightsEnd-style sequel with psycho John Blake brought down by a returning Bale now completely off the cards, this would be a way for Warner Bros. to extend what is far and above their most popular superhero series. And actually make the expansion of the Man Of Steel world an interesting proposition. Heck, if you want to go full bonkers, bring back Michael Keaton and Brandon Routh, making the DC Cinematic Universe as old as Christopher Reeve's Superman. Talk about biding your time.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.