8 Sci-Fi Clichés That Need To Calm Down

7. Scientists Explaining Things WithEveryday Objects

Universal Pictures

Hey, we get it, Science Is Hard.

Luckily enough for us plebs, there will usually be a slightly whacky scientist on hand to explain frighteningly complex scientific concepts to us via the medium of salt and pepper shakers.This is sometimes referred to as a Phlebotinum Analogy amongst snarky film critics.

The scene will usually begin with a bit of incomprehensible techno babble, then a "wait, what?" from some dullard civilian. Cue the whacky science guy sweeping everything off the table and setting up a simple model using whatever they can lay their hands on or, even better, draw a wobbly diagram in the sand.

Bonus points if they inadvertently draw a boob.

To really hammer the point home, you can also follow it with a "Let me get this straight..." from the witless non-scientist who will then proceed to explain the concept in even simpler terms.

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