8 Sci-Fi Movie Remakes You Didn't Know Were In The Works

4. Short Circuit

Sci Fi Remakes
TriStar Pictures

If BB-8, K-2SO and WALL-E have taught us anything, it's that people absolutely adore cute, likeable robots.

This is why it's not too surprising to learn that Short Circuit - a 1986 adventure about a robot that's struck by lightning, gaining human-level intelligence in the process - is currently in the process of being remade.

It all sounds too easy. A family-friendly movie about a lovable android (who'll also sell a ton of tie-in merchandise) with a positive message about peace and love would be a surefire hit. There's no way they can mess this up, right?

Well, it would appear so, until you learn that the remake's director, Tim Hill, wishes to make his movie much darker than the original.

Hill told the LA Times that Short Circuit contains a lot of heavy themes for a family movie, and so wants to put more of a focus on these in the remake. Of course, this could work beautifully and we can't judge it before we see it, but making a dark movie about a sentient robot has already been done to death - see Terminator.

Regardless, Short Circuit is still somewhere in development - we haven't had any updates on it in a handful of years - and when it does land, don't expect it to be as whimsical as the original film you watched when you were younger.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.