8 Sequels That Fixed Movie Plot Holes

6. Resurrective Powers - A Bunch Of Jason Voorhees Movies

Terminator Dark Fate
New Line Cinema

Jason Voorhees will not die.

The hockey mask-wearing, giant knife-wielding momma's boy has been "killed off" more times than David Hasselhoff's career. However, just like The Hoff, he just keeps coming back.

How does the man mountain keep cheating the grave?

The answer - well, there isn't one answer, per say.

In Jason Goes To Hell, Friday the 13th's ninth instalment, it is revealed that Jason has to be stabbed through the heart by one of his kin in order to truly die.

Then, in Jason X - which is set in the future for some reason - we get the explanation that Jason has the power of cellular regeneration, which a group of scientists want to study.

Then in Freddy vs. Jason, it is the Nightmare on Elm Street killer who brings him back to life.

So which one is it? All of them? None of them?

Simply put, we don't know. And that's the hole that's been solved. Lots of people have theories about Jason, but none of them seem to stick. We're left with no conclusion other than that Jason is just a mystery.

And you know what? We're fine with that.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.