8 Sequels That Fixed Movie Plot Holes

4. Jigsaw Plays Dead - Saw III

Terminator Dark Fate

The first Saw movie terrified viewers when it first premiered in 2004 and sent fear into the hearts of conservative parents everywhere.

It opened with two men chained to a wall in a room with an apparent suicide victim lying on the floor. The film's climax revealed that the "dead man" wasn't dead after all and was actually the one behind the kidnappings.

John Kramer, better known as Jigsaw, created the elaborate traps and games that the series is best known for. His skills also extend to lying very still, because he does a suspiciously good job at pretending to be a corpse.

This oversight infuriated fans of the movie for years. Two years in fact, because 2006 saw this conundrum solved with the release of Saw III.

In a flashback sequence to the first film, Saw III shows Kramer and his assistant Amanda Young setting up the room. Amanda injects Kramer with a muscle relaxant to aid with the appearance of death, easily explaining away how he was able to stay so still for so long.

So there you have it - the answer was drugs.

Wait, that sounds wrong.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.