8 Sequels That Fixed Movie Plot Holes

3. Tony’s Suits - Captain America: Civil War

Terminator Dark Fate

Remember how the ending of Iron Man 3 saw Tony blow up all his suits and retire from superhero-ing as a favour to Pepper?

Remember how the next time we saw Tony he had all his suits back like nothing ever happened?

Yeah, about that...

Whilst it's true that Mr. Stank did destroy his beloved exo-skeletons to appease his beloved, his genius mind and appetite for danger unfortunately got the better of him later down the line.

This comes to light in Captain America: Civil War, three years and six movies after Iron Man 3.

The answer is simple - Tony is addicted to being Iron Man. He mentions how he tried and failed to give up the suits and the power they bring, but he just wasn't strong enough. He even admits that it's causing problems in his relationship.

Well duh! Super suits are a huge source of stress for couples! Just ask Frozone!

We're glad in a way that Tony lied to Pepper, because otherwise we wouldn't have seen Iron Man ever again.

The universe is probably quite glad too, what with the whole Thanos thing looming large.

In the end, this was the best call.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.