8 Sequels That Fixed Movie Plot Holes

2. The Death Star’s Weak Spot - Rogue One

Terminator Dark Fate

Giant, planet-destroying space station. Itty bitty weak spot.

No, not cut dialogue from Aladdin, but rather a problem that plagued Star Wars for decades.

In the first film, Luke Skywalker famously blows up the Death Star by firing his proton torpedoes right into its exhaust port. No, that's not a euphemism - mind out of the gutter!

How on Earth did the finest engineers in the Empire overlook this? Even though it was small, they'd essentially placed a self-destruct button on the side of their shiny new toy. How did this happen?

Mads Mikkelsen, that's how.

Almost forty years after A New Hope was first released, Rogue One had all the answers to all the biggest Death Star questions.

It is revealed that Galen Erso, one of the men who helped build the battleship, was forced to do so against his will. To fight back against the Empire he hated, he left the port open as a potential Achilles' heel.

So yes, the port's design was rubbish, but intentionally so. Without Mr. Erso's purposefully shoddy work, the galaxy would have ended up a mark darker place.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.