8 Short Deleted Scenes That Almost Ruined Great Movies

5. Aragorn's Age - The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

Aragorns Age
New Line

The Deleted Scene: The Lord Of The Rings are pretty dense novels, so much so that extra material Peter Jackson managed to make a trilogy out of the appendices alone. Thankfully, much of the more out there elements of Tolkien's mythology were reserved for the Extended Editions. Including this incredibly short (but significant moment), where Eowyn gives Aragorn some disgusting looking soup he pretends to like, after which he reveals his real age; he's 87 years old.

Why It's So Bad: For people who can actually pronounce The Silmarillion, the Extended Editions are the best thing since second breakfast, but for everyone else they're full of needless plot diversions that raise mythos points that never get paid off. In films that are already pushing your bladder to its limits, that's a deal breaker.

Out of all the scenes cut from the Theatrical Editions, this is by far the most deserved exclusion. TheĀ‰ Eowyn crush sub-plot is a bit out of nowhere and seeing a character pretend to like food they don't actually like is something from the realm of Frat Pack comedies. But, more than that, knowing the very-much human Aragorn is 87 just makes no sense without a lengthy explanation of the ageing of Middle-Earth men.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.