8 Signs Not Even The Filmmakers Have Faith In Batman V Superman

6. Claiming Man Of Steel Was Creating A Universe

After The Avengers every major franchise is building itself to have a shared universe. Which is a harder job than it seems, requiring a knowledge of where you're going as well as the restraint to not turn the movie into an elaborate trailer (stand up Spider-Man). Iron Man, with its introduction of SHIELD and slight teases at a bigger world, tempered this perfectly. Man Of Steel didn't, mainly because it wasn't even trying. There were lots of background easter eggs to other heroes and character nods for serious Superman fans, but these were just in-jokes, thrown in for the hell of it rather than laying groundwork for a massive series to come. And yet in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Charles Roven, who produced The Dark Knight Trilogy, Man Of Steel and is currently overseeing Batman V Superman, claimed that the first Superman was "creating a universe that had a superhero in it." While that was an element of the film, it wasn't really in that manner it was setting up a sequel. This retroactive application of worth on something suggests that there's a real desperation to prove Batman V Superman has merit, although doing it through boosting the previous film's reputation doesn't show faith in the product itself.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.