8 Signs Not Even The Filmmakers Have Faith In Batman V Superman

5. Lego Batman

OK, here's one of the strangest announcements from recent weeks that, while not directly tying into the D.C. Cinematic Universe, has an impact on it through the use of the same property. Using Batman in The Lego Movie was really a no brainer. He has his own Lego line of toys, games and spin-off stories and Warners, who produced Lego, have the rights to the character. To not include him (along with a needy Green Lantern) would have been missing a sitting duck with a target painted on its face, as well as robbing us of some of the animation's best moments. Expanding upon this by giving the egotistical take on Batman his own spin-off, however, is a little stranger. The Lego Movie already has its own sequel, as well as a big screen outing for popular toy line Ninjago coming, so it, as with D.C., whacks of rushing a franchise when audiences have only taken one bite. But in relevance to Batman, forcing the focus on him less than a year after a massive big screen outing is unsafe in terms of audience saturation and seems like character insurance in case there's a big upset coming from Batman V Superman.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.