8 Signs Not Even The Filmmakers Have Faith In Batman V Superman

4. Pushing Nolan€™s Role

Remember when we said Nolan has reduced his role in the movie? Well clearly those concerns we had about it have reached Warner Bros. because now we're beginning to hear mumblings about how he's actually had input on the film in a thinly veiled attempt to restore faith. In the same interview where he retroactively repurposed Man Of Steel, Charles Roven was happy to have the opportunity to paint Nolan as someone who, while spending a lot of his time off in space, was acting as an advisor. Given that in that same interview he was keen to point out that Ben Affleck was the first choice for Batman (don't let that kid you into think he was the only guy considered though), hearing that Nolan was involved in that casting, stated with excitement, just seems like using the stamp of his name to bring back fan faith. No doubt Chris did play some part in the casting, but probably no more than anyone else.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.