8 Signs Not Even The Filmmakers Have Faith In Batman V Superman

3. The Announced Films

The beauty of franchise film-making is that if the next entry is a little iffy, placing something exciting afterwards transforms it into a must-see. The Wolverine's arc gained meaning when it became clear there'd be some progression into Days Of Future Past, while Captain America: The First Avenger was really helped at the box office by the distant promise of The Avengers. Marvel have now perfected this method, balancing the excitement about long distant projects (Iron Man in Captain America 3) and the impending releases by carefully timing the announcement of new info and how things are publicised. And, as with shared universe and all that, just copying the broad strokes won't help anyone. D.C. have announced the release dates for nine post-BVS movies, set to arrive between 2016 and 2020, before they even know if audiences want them. This shows some level of confidence, but is also yet another case of artificially attempting to increase the appeal of Dawn Of Justice by making it necessary to understand the next five years of blockbusters.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.